I’m really itching to get started working on stuff. Here’s some thoughts on things.

1. Donna Noble – Unicorn & the Wasp
I was supposed to pick this up again after Dragoncon and of course I have not. I do still plan on finishing it, it’s all sitting in a box waiting on me to come back to it.

2. Georgian dress
I want to do another one of these, in pink, but I have a very specific pink I’m looking for which I haven’t found yet. It’s one of the things I looked for at Gail K but did not see anything that looked like what I had in mind. More than likely I’ll have to buy fabric and dye it.

3. A Houppelande
I would really like to do this – I know it’s not as interesting as a known character but I have a solid idea in mind that I think would be really fun to tackle.

4. Giselle
After watching Enchanted again a couple of weeks ago, I am again really wanting to do Giselle’s blue park dress. I get this itch every time I watch the movie. I’d like to just break down and do it. If I happen to run across fabric I like, it may just happen….. but this is one of the ones I looked for fabric at Gail K when we came through Atlanta. I found something I really liked… but didn’t like it enough for $25 a yard. Haha. So I’m just keeping my eyes peeled.

5. Queen Elinor
Honestly if I do either the Houppelande or Giselle I probably won’t do this. But it’s still something I’d like to get to.

6. A fun silly costume duo for me and Chase
Not work intensive at all. Mostly just buying pieces. But it would be a lot of fun. He’s doing this whether he likes it or not 🙂

7. Another Disney-related idea
So much Disney stuff. Again if I get to ANY of these others I’d probably not have time for this.

So much Disney D: It feels really unbalanced. I like to have a very balanced work list, but there’s not really any superheroes or Star Wars or anything like that I’m really feeling. Maybe Luna Lovegood since I got the wand. Bleh.